Scedir Grace Kelly

born on 22-03-1994
Own. Kati Kchudoba
Scedir Grace Kelly Scedir Xeres Feldmar Scedir Midnite Dream Feldmar Nightshade
Feldmar Midnight Lace
Scedir Dusty Shadow Titian Anfiger
Scedir Jinseng
Peacemaker's Frosty Finlandia Scedir Oliver Twist Feldmar Scedir Midnite Dream
Scedir Ollie
Peacemaker's Vitanova Ebo-Knee's Frosted Boomerang
Wilhellmiinan Peacemaker Nata
Spanish Champion
Portuguese Champion
Gibilterra Champion
International Champion
European Champion 98
Champion of the Spanish Schnauzer Club
Best dog of the year of the Spanish Schnauzer Club
Best Dog of the year of the Canine Society Costa del Sol